Make your own DIY Garden Mushrooms
Visualize your house with Garden Mushrooms, doesn’t it look great? They are perfect for gardens in fairy tales. Your kids would love to get involved in making Garden Mushrooms. Get them involved and decorate your garden with mushrooms made out of terracotta pots.
First, let’s start with identifying empty pots of different sizes from your garden. Did you find? Yes? Then, good! We shall proceed with these pots to make garden mushrooms with bright and attractive colors to make it more alive and appealing in the garden.
To proceed further, you need white and other colors spray paint, terracotta drain plates, different paint colors, white acrylic paint, round sponge, spray sealer and small paintbrush. So, yeah, grab all these and start making them.
Still Confused? Thinking exactly from where to start? No Worries! I will help you!
Paint your pots
Spray white paint on the terracotta pots in a well-ventilated area to avoid any harmful effects and place it on the garden where you exactly want.
Paint Terracotta drain plates
Choose colors of your choice and spray the paint on the terracotta drain plates. Choose a bright color in order to make it look more ardent.
Make white spots
Dip the round sponge in white paint and place it on the surface of the terracotta drain plates with some space according to the size of the plates in order to get a look of mushroom. You can fill the gaps with small brush and the paint if there is any gap visible in the spots.
Make it Dry!
Keep both pots and drain plates aside to dry for about 24-48 hours.
Spray Sealer
After it dries, spray water-proof sealer and let it dry for 24-48 hours.
Place them properly
Finally, place the drain plates on the pots to get full visual of mushroom so that the overall procedure followed would result fruitful.
Now, are you finding your garden mushrooms more attractive in your garden? You must be wondering whether garden makes mushroom look attractive or the other way round.
This is the simplest one to create and I hope you found it easy to apply. Though, you create it, you should keep in mind that the pots and drain plates needs care and have to make sure they are painted often to have a fresh look so that it does not dull your garden.
If you would like to know DIY ideas where terracotta pots could be used, can have a look at this blog.
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