Why I Like/Love Handmade?
If you like and moreover if you love handmade, No matter you are a boy or a girl of any age, I am sure you have been asked this question hundreds of times “Why do you like/love Handmade?”
Obviously everyone would have his/her own reason to like handmade and one might have given many reasons to answer this question but when I ask myself “Why do I like/love handmade? And what it means for the creator?” it took me enough time to think and satisfy myself for the answer. Every new reason in my mind was more appealing than the previous one.
Does handmade mean style? Is it something which resembles my taste? Is it more beautiful? Or it just fascinates me? I couldn’t find the best answer to this question until on my birthday my beloved wife presented me a handmade gift, handmade card and a cake cooked by her with extra sweetness and essence of her love :). At a sudden I got my answer, I was in a state to conclude my thoughts for my craze to handmade. Ultimately it was revealed to me that for a creator handmade means the time, the care, the love, the passion, creativity and uniqueness for the product from its conception to design till the goal achievement. And my craze is for the time, care, love, passion, which is invested by its creator to produce a unique and creative piece of art.
May I ask what handmade means to you and why you love it?
I think I love it because it’s a piece that resembles my psyche and the mood I’m in when I’m creating it. And almost every handmade piece has a story to tell, so therefore it means a lot to me!